Tantric Relationships: A Total Alignment Of Energies

Happy Valentine’s Day! 💖 Today, I’m excited to share some of my insights and experiences in tantric practices. May these insights bring love and connection into your relationships.



The way I would describe a tantric relationship is one in which the concept of separation is totally dissolved. The “I” and the “me” is no longer when there is a total alignment of energies between partners.

Living in a society where individualism is highly regarded as opposed to a collectivist outlook makes it so that most people don’t wish for the absolution of their individual selves, when they enter into a union of love with another.

But in any relationship, whether tantric or not contains an interplay of energies that can either work in your favor to draw your partner to you or away from you. Like the two complementary opposing poles of a magnet. One way they can bond together and the strength of the bond is more powerful then the one magnet holds by itself, being solo. The other way with the opposing poles, no matter how much you try to jam them together, they will never connect.

This my friends is the difference between a relationship of power versus force.

Beyond the intellect, there is a notion of the fine dance of the energies. When we are in harmony, is it not true that it is hard to tell the difference between the dancer and the dance? When one can set themselves alone or with a partner, whom the Celts would refer to as an “Anam Cara” or “friend of the soul”, one can take the time, in the time that one has, to set aside and embrace the moment of now… Soul-Gazing into one another. Seeing, feeling and hearing the other as oneself…or so they say.

Always enter into a union of this nature with energy that is balanced and pure of thought…Never forceful. Again, this is the difference between getting to do something and having to do something.

While many people think that the opposite of love is hate. Nothing could be further from the truth. Love and hate both hold strong bonds. One comes from a positive polarity, while the other comes from a negative polarity and lest we forget that the laws of the universe clearly state that what we put in through our thoughts in any meditation, comes back to us four-fold.

This begs the intellectual to question, what then is the opposite of this complementary opposite we call love and hate?


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