Spreading Sexual Energy: Tantra Heart Meditation

We are a society of growing sexual disorders. Women everywhere claim that they are faking orgasms so as not to blow their partners’ confidence. Men are encouraged to see their doctors at the first sign of “Erectile Dysfunction”, to be prescribed the latest synthetic creation of a multi-billion dollar industry called pharmaceuticals.

And yet, the answer lies within. I believe that if people just changed their attitudes about sex and quit practicing it like it’s just a sport, they would begin to understand how to cultivate sexual energy so as not only to achieve states of ecstasy incomparable to any illegal substance on the market, they could also tap into a vast reservoir of healing powers, that could help cure them of many ailments. Unfortunately, when sexual energy is misused, it can become a destructive force that leaves its owner in a state of dissatisfaction and/or an insatiable state of longing.

So, as promised in my previous post, I felt inspired to share with you an exercise in cultivating sexual energy, called White Tiger Tantra Heart Meditation. In my experience, this simple, yet powerful exercise not only helps amplify sexual arousal and intensify orgasms exponentially, it also gives a boost in creative energy and vitality.

Tantra Meditation

Alone or with a partner, sit in a chair or lie down. Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply through your nose and out through your mouth (as though through a small straw). On the inhale, focus on a spot two inches below the navel. This is a form of Hara breathing that is very balancing and energizing

Let your sexual imagination run away with you to begin to build sexual energy.

Notice where the area in your body where the energy builds. There may be 2 or 3 spots. A lot of women feel their heart first stimulated, while men will often feel the energy accumulate in their pelvic or genital region.

Feel the sensations building through your body as you begin to slowly stimulate yourself in a way that is most pleasurable to you. Track the feelings through your body as they move through you. Your goal is not to have an orgasm, but to cultivate sexual and sensual energy.
When you feel you are reaching the peak of orgasm, stop and place your tongue at the roof of your mouth at the soft palate. Then, quickly inhale through your nose and focus on the navel. Hold the breath for a few seconds. Then, as you exhale, focus on the top of the head (crown chakra).
Repeat for a total of 5 breaths. If you tend to breathe high up in the chest, with practice, it will be easier to breathe deeply.

On the fifth breath, as you exhale, open your eyes and allow that energy to spread into your heart and throughout your entire body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Spreading everywhere, starting anywhere…
You may notice a wonderful sensation present that may not have been in your awareness, prior to doing the exercise. When noticed, honor it and say thank you. And then notice…perhaps, how it can amplify and or spread even more.
By practicing this meditation for several days without letting yourself release the sexual energy, you will amplify it exponentially, which will renew your personal power and enhance your relationships.

“The Tantra Heart meditation will help you connect first with yourself, and with your partner or partners in a loving relationship. After all, what is a relationship about, if not about its root meaning in relating to one in another.” -anonymous.

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