Dive into our tantric soapy massage treatment in Sydney, imagine you are floating away on a raft, letting go of every muscle in your body, washing away your thoughts with the waves of the ocean. Dim lights, soft glow of candles, delicate scents flowing through the room, sexy music playing softly. You are welcomed in to nirvana closing the door behind you. She softly leads you to the bubbly warm bath, drops the silk delicately draped over her nude body to the floor and helps you into a warm bubble bath, flowing with rose petals, and sweet scented bubbles.

When you book a Tantric massage in Sydney, you could be offered a Tantric bath (also known as Soapy Massage) as well. This is a wonderful bathing ritual, which could last anywhere from half an hour to more than an hour and is often incorporated into the session for complete relaxation and pampering. The bathing often includes washing the full body, including the hair, with luxurious shampoo and shower gel and it could take a place in a whirlpool, hot tub, regular tab, or a shower, and it is an experience, which should not be missed. There are various flavors of Tantric sessions, offered at the different massage centers in Sydney, and the ones that include ritual bathing are the ones that are meant for luxurious pampering and spoiling. Every time you need to relax and relieve stress, there is nothing better than booking a one- or two-hour session and enjoying being touched, massaged, bathed, and caressed by a beautiful and young therapist.

Many people enjoy a bath to a shower. However, for convenience so many people take the shower option as this is usually quicker and allows you to get out to whatever you need to do, whether that is work or socialising. However, a bath can be such a deeply relaxing experience that it is no wonder that the art of Tantra includes it in their way of life.

You can book a soapy massage session with Velvet massage, and enjoy your erotic massage session in the bathtub today.

erotic massage in bathtub
Massage in bathtub

However, a bath is not just a bath when taken in the context of tantric bath. Indeed, as you would expect it is part of a spiritual and deeply caring ritual that honours the recipient. In fact, you may be offered the extra luxury of a tantric bath when you book your tantric massage session.

A tantric bath may take place in a regular bath or a whirlpool or a hot tub. Different establishments have different arrangements on offer, so if this is something you are considering, then ask what type of tantric bath experience is on offer. Your masseuse will treat you with the greatest honour, lathering and soaping you all over your body in a way that is sensuous and relaxing. This is an important ceremony and one that puts you at the centre of respect and honour. Every inch of your body will be paid attention and your hair will be washed and cleaned too. Massage of the head can be very beneficial to starting the whole process of relaxation, as so often the head aches and pulses without our awareness.

What you can expect from Soapy Massage

The tantric bath will be scented with aromatic oils and these will indulge your senses, getting you in readiness for the next step of your pamper session, the tantric massage. Once your tantric bath ceremony has been completed, you will be dried with soft and fluffy towels. You can decide on the amount of time you want to spend in the bath ritual, some people enjoy around half an hour, others prefer a longer time.

The choice is always yours, and of course you don’t have to take part in this if you do not wish to. However, you will still be required to take a shower before your massage session takes place. This is for your own comfort and for that of your masseuse. It will also help to get you into the right mindset for relaxation as it is a subconscious cue to your mind that it is time to switch off from daily life and relax.

The reason why the tantric bath is such an important ceremony is due to the Tantra belief that the body is a sacred temple. This is why it is treated with such reverence and respect. This is also why time is devoted to cherishing every inch of it. The tantric way of life encompasses pleasure in all senses and it is recognised that satisfying the body allows the spirit to be free which allows it to expand.

The washing ceremony is linked to washing away illusions. We are all divine beings and symbolically when undertaking the tantric bath ceremony, this illusion is washed away and removed. The reverence and respect used by your masseuse is a way of treating you as a divine being. This is truly a divine experience and when it is followed by a tantric massage, you will feel once again as if you belong with the Gods and Goddesses, and that is your divine right.

Once you have experienced this, it may be something you wish to do with your life partner. The respect of love of each other is a great thing to celebrate, and what better way than with such a wonderfully liberating ceremony?

Soapy Massage Goddesses

Exclusive Velvet Massage Girls based in Sydney

Book a Soapy massage

Get a sensual massage at bathtub and experience the wild and wet pleasure.

Please note, if you would like to book a massage in bathtub, you have to visit masseuse or make sure your hotel room has a good bathtub.

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