Welcome to Velvet Nude tantric massage, where we will help you experience the magic of an excellent Tantric massage in Sydney, introduce you to a whole new World, where your emotions and physical being will become one, and where you will forget all your worries and frustrations. The massage is not only sensual and sexual at the same time, it also has a deep spiritual aspect, and is nothing like anything you have experienced before – simply lie on the table and let the Tantric Goddess do her magic with her soft hands and gently caress your naked body. Only a few minutes in the session of the Tantric massage in Sydney, you will find yourself in another dimension, away from the stress of the everyday life, and in much happier and blissful state. The ambient atmosphere, soft music, aromatic massage oil, and the gentle hands of the Goddess will help you eliminate tension, relieve stress, channel your sexual energy, and open your Chakras, all of which will help you achieve an inner piece and leave you feeling exhilarated and rejuvenated. After a stressful and hectic week, even a short, one hour Tantric massage session could give you the strength and energy to meet all your challenges ahead!

tantric massage sydney

The experience

Discovering the world of tantric massage is like opening a Christmas present. You think you know what to expect but once unwrapped the delight and joy it brings is unsurpassed. It is hard to imagine just how relaxing and spiritual a massage can be and that is why once you experience a tantric massage in Sydney, you will enjoy the experience so much that you will want to return for more. In fact, you may wonder why you didn’t try it years ago.

Although tantric massage is a spiritual experience you do not need to belong to any spiritual discipline to enjoy it, nor do you need to have any spiritual beliefs. However, if you have knowledge and experience of the chakra system and the flow of chi and kundalini thorough your body, tantric massage will take this experience to new heights.

If you live in Sydney then finding a tantric massage service is very easy for both men and women, or couples together, and the pricing structure is one that will benefit your wallet as well as your spiritual and physical bodies.

What you can expect from Tantric Massage

If you have decided to have a tantric massage in Sydney, there are many services to choose from. Some tantric massage services will offer naturist massage, which means you will be naked as will your fully trained masseuse. This is true whether you are male or female. You can choose a tantric massage in Sydney from a fully clothed masseuse if you prefer, too.

Very often, prior to the tantric massage actually taking place, the actual undressing is also part of the therapy. The masseuse will undress you with great care and respect before moving on to the massage. Very often you can choose from a variety of masseuse, both male and female being available. Some establishments choose to only cater for men, others will only cater for women, but the vast majority will accommodate both sexes.

At Velvet Massage, tantric massage is very often an erotic experience; however, it can also focus more intently on spirituality, depending on your needs. Some people enjoy a spiritual closeness that a tantric massage provides, and others use tantric massage as a way of developing strength in their muscles around the anus and genitals to prevent premature ejaculation. In fact, tantric massage is excellent to help alleviate this condition.

Tantric massage is a time of peace and contentment and the whole relaxing experience begins the moment you enter the therapy room. Every action is undertaken with a reverence and respect and the aim of the tantric massage is to allow an individual to completely focus upon themselves with a series of breathing exercises carefully developed to allow spiritual expression.

During a tantric massage, all thoughts of the outside world are removed and all stress, anxiety, and tension simply melt away. The atmosphere of the therapy room can be infused with a mix of candles, incense and sumptuous furnishings. The duration of a tantric massage in Sydney can vary, so if you need to plan ahead, you should allow at least 1.5 hours to complete the whole experience without rushing or feeling pressured, after all if you have to run out of the door immediately to reach your next appointment, after the very relaxing experience, all benefit can evaporate extremely quickly.

Based on our experience, at Sydney, or any other big cities, more men than women choose tantric massage as a way to relieve tension and satisfy the spiritual urges. The massage itself can help a man to reach his emotional strength. It can allow the sensitive side full reign, therefore, it is important he feels safe and secure, when showing vulnerability. In fact, this may be the only time that a man truly exhibits his emotional side!

Book Tantric Massage

Uncover satisfaction using a number of erotic Tantric methods combined with sensual techniques that will leave your heart pounding and your mind dominated by the empowering sexual energy gracing every inch and thought of your being from a more daring division of sensuality. The traditional Tantric techniques will also be offered.

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