Yoni Tantric Massage

Get a sensual Yoni massage Sydney with our beautiful tantric goddess at Velvet Tantric Massage.

Introduce Yoni massage : The Yoni is the conventional Indian word for vagina. Sanskrit in origin. The Yoni Massage is an intimate massage for female only. Through an intensive awakening of the sexual pleasure and sensitivity you can expand and refine your state of mental and physical consciousness. The Yoni Massage serves to join the masculine and feminine divine energies that will provide you with a taste of oneness with the universe

This journey is aimed at those whom want to learn how to discover and pleasure the arousal areas of The Yoni. The importance of The Yoni Massage is to target the experience of touch, relaxation, pleasure and release. Each woman is at a different place in her journey and each Yoni Massage produces unique reactions in each woman. It has taught many to have/give a multiple orgasms, and it is also an intimate way to connect to your partner. The Yoni Massage is done without expectations so when learning these methods you will do so without the pressure of having to reach ‘that’ particular point. Your therapist will focus on your body and enabling you to emerge safely and gently in the depths of the subconsciousness.You will learn methods that will help you to pleasure the Female Awakening energy, and enable her to release using various secret methods, guiding you to a path that will bring more sensuality and love into your life/lives whilst teaching you how to give your partner more physical and mental pleasure to allow her to experience a euphoric moment in life. Life is merely a moment of time, a passing moment so precious that needs to be embraced, experience the hidden treasures of life.

Tantric Massage for Women

Different to the lingam massage and prostate massage, the Yoni massage is a tantric session specially for female. The Yoni, also referred to as “sacred temple”, is a word that describes the female sexual organ, and the Yoni massage is the ultimate treatment for any woman. It is sensual, soft, gentle, and can help a woman discover her own sexuality, arouse and excite her, help her release tension and stress, and even teach her how to let go and enjoy being touched and pampered. Whether you are stay-at-home mom or a busy executive, you can always book a Yoni massage session in Sydney and treat yourself to a wonderful and unforgettable experience. The whole session from start to finish is all about you and your feelings and is meant to awaken your senses, give you great pleasure, and leave you wonderfully relaxed and rejuvenated. The massage could be very fine and gentle or stimulating and exciting, and the experience can vary from one session to another, but is always pleasurable and satisfying. If you want to be healthy, stress-free and if you want to feel loved and appreciated, then book a Yoni massage in Sydney and let us take care of you and pamper you the way you deserve to be pampered.

Tantric massage is regularly enjoyed by both men and women. In fact, many women enjoy regular massage from therapists as a part of their self-development routines. Women are usually much more in tune with their feelings and emotions and recognise the benefits of letting go of the strains and anxieties that can cause misery and depression. Some choose Swedish massage as a way of relaxing. This has its benefits, of course, but there is nothing quite like a yoni massage to really release any pent up anxiety or negative blockages.

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Yoni massage therapist Team

Tantric Goddesses

Exclusive Velvet Massage Girls based in Sydney

Booking Today

Lady, If you would like to enjoy a yoni massage + sensual body to body massage

You can get it at masseuse’s private studio based at heart of Sydney, or your masseuse can also visit you at your hotel.

100% discreet

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